PhotonicSweden’s award for the best Master Thesis in Optics & Photonics 2020 and 2021
PhotonicSweden awarded the best Master Thesis in Optics & Photonics for the years 2020 and 2021 at the Optopub seminar in Kista. The winner for 20 [...]
2021-12-09 Optopub at Electrum in Kista, Stockholm, 17.30-21.30 (CET) + Zoom
Welcome to Optopub in Stockholm! Thursday 9th December-2021, 17.30 – 21.30 (CET) PhotonicSweden, entrance at RISE, , Electrum at Kista, Kistagången 16 [...]
2021-12-01 Nordic Photonics Forum No.10, OBS! Wednesday at University of Turku (UTU), Medisiina D, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, 20520 Turku.
The venue on Wednesday Day 1 of OPD2021 is at University of Turku (UTU), Medisiina D, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, 20520 Turku. Please register here: https://d [...]
Qualisys AB, best Optics & Photonics company of the year 2021!
Fredrik Mueller Qualisys AB, Peter Strömberg Acoem AB and PhotonicSweden board Motivation: Qualisys AB is a leading provider of precision motion cap [...]
2022-09-04, 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022]
12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022] Call for Papers out now, special fees for members of PhotonicSweden Until January 24, 2022, [...]
2021-11-4 Welcome to a live Optopub Webinar
Download the flyer here: Optopub_2021-11-04-Optopub Electrum-RISE-v1.pdf Followed by Optopub 18:30-20:30 IEEE Photonics Society Sweden Chapter invit [...]
2021-11-25 Register now! Photonics4 Agriculture & Food Workshop in Norrköping
Register here: The aim of the workshop is to gather actors in photonics together with actors in agriculture [...]
2021-09-16 Baltic Photonics 2021 MedLife – Virtual B2B event
Baltic Photonics 2021 MedLife Virtual B2B event “Baltic Photonics 2021 MedLife” is a virtual B2B (business to business) event, which focuses on medica [...]
Utlysning Vinnova SIO-Grafen ”Hinder och utmaningar för grafeninnovationer” senast 2021-10-05 kl. 14:00
Strategiska innovationsprogrammet SIO Grafen Det strategiska innovationsprogram [...]
4-7 October 2022: Optics & Photonics in Sweden 2022
Register now! Optics & Photonics in Sweden 4 - 7 October 2022! At Umeå University, Umeå On 4-7 October 2022 organise PhotonicSweden, together wit [...]
2021 June 17: Optopub Webinar about Graphene in Electronics and Photonics with Chalmers Industriteknik
Guide to Swedish Innovation Platform-SIO Grafen Elisabeth Sagström, Program director of SIO Grafen I will guide you to see how SIO Grafen increase the [...]
Banbrytande laserbaserad 3D-printning av glas vid KTH
Glas är ett av våra äldsta och mest mångsidiga material. Det är kemiskt, termiskt och mekaniskt extremt stabilt. På KTH har forskare utvecklat 3D-skri [...]
Hur mår Europas Fotonik-industri?
En ny marknadsstudie över Fotonikbranschen publicerades nyligen av Photonics21. Här är deras viktigaste slutsatser. Marknaden för Fotonik har växt med [...]
Kallelse för nomineringar bästa examensarbete
PhotonicSweden delar varje år ut ett pris till mest förtjänta examensarbete inom området optik, optronik och fotonik. Utfört arbete ska ha presenterat [...]
20 maj-2021 – Kallelse till ordinarie föreningsstämma online för Ekonomiska föreningen PhotonicSweden
Torsdagen den 20 maj 2021 kl. 16.00 – 17.30 Organisationsnummer: 769622-6005 Online med Zoom Ladda ner kallelsen här: Kallelse-PS-Föreningsstämma_2021 [...]
Veoneer Sweden AB is a new company member of PhotonicSweden Svenska: Veoneer Sweden AB finns på 5 olika platser i Sverige, i Göteborg, Vårgårda, Linköping, Skellefteå och Stockholm. Företaget ba [...]
2021 May 26 – Nordic Photonics Forum Meeting
PhotonicSweden and Photonics Finland jointly organise the Nordic Photonics Forum Meeting 26 May 2021 from 14:00-17:15h PhotonHub Europe - Innovation c [...]
2021 April 21: Participate in the Lund Attoscience Symposium
We kindly invite you to the Lund Attoscience Symposium, a monthly two-hour virtual meeting on selected topics in the field of attosecond science with [...]