
PhotonicSweden är partner i Semicon Sweden: Stora satsningar på halvledare – Sverige stärker sitt ekosystem för framtidens industri

175 miljoner kronor ska bidra till att Sverige får en väl fungerande kedja av företag, forskningsinstitut och resurser som kan tillverka de material [...]

Av |2025-02-06T20:59:54+01:00februari 6th, 2025|EU funding, Funding, News, Projects, Swedish funding|Kommentarer inaktiverade för PhotonicSweden är partner i Semicon Sweden: Stora satsningar på halvledare – Sverige stärker sitt ekosystem för framtidens industri

Nobel Laureates warn jobs, economic growth, and lifesaving healthcare at risk due to proposed EC science budget cuts

Three of the world's most eminent scientists have criticised the European Commission's intention to drastically cut photonics funding over the next se [...]

Av |2020-10-28T10:29:08+01:00oktober 28th, 2020|EU funding, EU projects, Funding, News, Newsletter, Okategoriserade|Kommentarer inaktiverade för Nobel Laureates warn jobs, economic growth, and lifesaving healthcare at risk due to proposed EC science budget cuts

Apply now – Open call by INNO4COV-19 to support the commercialisation of new products across Europe for combatting COVID-19

The open call by the EU funded project INNO4COV-19 which aims to support the commercialisation of new products across Europe for combatting COVID-19 i [...]

Av |2020-10-28T10:21:34+01:00oktober 28th, 2020|EU funding, EU projects, Funding, News, Newsletter, Research, WG3 Life sciences and health|Kommentarer inaktiverade för Apply now – Open call by INNO4COV-19 to support the commercialisation of new products across Europe for combatting COVID-19
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