KTH and PhotonicSweden seminar for students
An event on photonic career opportunities, the CARLA camp Stockholm, hosted by PhotonicSweden and KTH, took place on May 11 & 12 2022. 137 regist [...]
Exciting project granted: NanoVIB is coordinated by KTH
A new H2020 project, coordinated by KTH, has recently been granted by the European Commission, within the call “Disruptive photonics technologies” (IC [...]
2021 February 23-25: Join the first virtual CARLA Camp
Photonics has proven to be an essential ingredient in our modern world tackling global challenges of our industry and society. Therefore, from Photoni [...]
Miljonregn över EU-fotonik
EU satsar 19 miljoner euro i en europeisk hubb inom fotonik, döpt till PhotonHub Europe. Branschförening PhotonicSweden skapar tillsammans med forskn [...]
Nobel Laureates warn jobs, economic growth, and lifesaving healthcare at risk due to proposed EC science budget cuts
Three of the world's most eminent scientists have criticised the European Commission's intention to drastically cut photonics funding over the next se [...]
Apply now – Open call by INNO4COV-19 to support the commercialisation of new products across Europe for combatting COVID-19
The open call by the EU funded project INNO4COV-19 which aims to support the commercialisation of new products across Europe for combatting COVID-19 i [...]