Save the date 12-14 Sept. 2018 – Registration open!
Click here to download: 2018-08-16-NOP2018-Leaflet
Northern Optics & Photonics 2018 Lund University Lund, Sweden
It is our great pleasure to announce the next edition in the series of Northern Optics conferences that brings together optical scientists from the
Nordic and Baltic countries. The previous meetings were held in Uppsala (2000), Espoo (2003), Bergen (2006), Vilnius (2009), and Helsingør (2012) and Imatra/Lappeenranta region (2015). Northern Optics & Photonics 2018 (NOP 2018) will be arranged on 12-14 September 2018 in Lund, Sweden.
The conference is organised by the Swedish Optical Society and PhotonicSweden in conjunction with the Lund University and Lund Laser Centre and sponsored by optics/photonics societies of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Baltic countries.
There will be two parallel sessions one is devoted to presentations from academia and one to industry presentations.
Keynote speakers
Sune Svanberg, Lund University
Title: Interdisciplinary laser spectroscopy –Applications to environment, ecology, agriculture, food safety and medicine
Algis Piskarskas, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Title: Benefiting from a Small Country: The Potential of Laser Research and Laser Industry in Lithuania
Jesper Glückstad , DTU Fotonik
Title: Light Robotics: light-driven and -actuated micro-robotics for biophotonics at the cellular level
will highlight European research and developments.
Invited speakers
Sergey Bozhevolnyi, University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
Title: Complete control over reflected fields with plasmonic metasurfaces
Mircea Guina, Tampere University of Technology
Title: Progress in III-V/Si photonic integration technology
Charlotte Platzer, University of Uppsala
Title: Inorganic thin film solar cells – efficient, tunable and long term stable
Martins Rutkis, University of Latvia
Title: Molecular glasses as a promissing class of materials for photonic applications
Lars Samuelson, Lund University, Glo AB
Title: Self-assembling nanomaterial structures as a platform technology for micro-LEDs
Irina Sorokina, NTNU
Title: Recent Progress in compact fiber-based mid-IR lasers and applications
Peter Tidemand Lichtenberg, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Title: Infrared spectral imaging for histopathology
Guilherme B. Xavier, Linköping University
Title: Recent advances in secure quantum communication based on energy-time entanglement
A poster session will provide an additional opportunity to display to the most recent developments and
achievements. It will also give an overview of Optics and Photonics in Scandinavia and the Baltic countries and offer a good platform for creating new collaborations. An exhibition and a session with company presentations will be held in parallel to the technical sessions to provide industry, institutes and associations, an opportunity to display their products and services and bridge the gap between science and industry.
For questions and further information please contact Petra Bindig at
Location address:
Lund University
Sölvegatan 20 A-D
223 62 Lund
The conference is organised by
Call for abstracts – Northern Optics & Photonics Conference 12 – 14 September 2018 in Lund, Sweden
Submission for poster presentation still open! CALL FOR POSTERS Northern Optics & Photonics_2018
Please send your abstracts for poster contributions in an electronic form in Microsoft Word format or Adobe PDF format
Please provide your name, affiliation, telephone number and Email address on all submissions as well.
You can submit your abstracts by sending them to this email address:
The abstracts will be published in official conference proceedings.
Deadline for poster abstracts: 12th August 2018
Authors are requested to submit an abstract of a half to one page (font 11, including figures and references)
Contributions will be accepted for poster presentation.
Required poster size: The posters should have a maximum size of DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm) preferably in a portrait format (not landscape format). Pins and similar pads will be provided by the organizer.
All authors are requested to register for the meeting separately from abstract submission.
For questions and further information please contact Petra Bindig at
Here you can download the abstract template: Abstract-template-NOP2018Abstract-template-NOP2018
The conference is organised by the Swedish Optical Society and PhotonicSweden in conjunction with the Lund University and Lund Laser Centre and sponsored by optics/photonics societies of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Baltic countries.
Topics for the academic sessions (but not limited to ):
- Photonics in Life Sciences
- Photonics for Communication
- Photonics in Manufacturing
- Photonics in Environmental Technology
- Optics and Spectroscopy
- Photonic components and Integrated Optics
- Advanced Photonic Materials
Topics for the industrial sessions (but not limited to):
- Photonics in Transportation
- Photonics in Advanced Manufacturing and Applications
- Photonics in Life Quality
- Photonics in Energy and Environment
- Remote and Laser Sensing
- Optical Systems and Applications
- Vision Systems
- Components and Systems for Telecommunication
- Optical Metrology
The conference is organised by the Swedish Optical Society and PhotonicSweden in conjunction with the Lund University and Lund Laser Centre and sponsored by optics/photonics societies of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Baltic countries.
Important dates and deadlines:
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 May 2018
Notification to authors: 1 Juni 2018
Publication of the Programme: 15 June 2018
Registration / Author registration: opens 18 May 2018 closes 4 September 2018
The Northern Optics and Photonics conference is targeted to a general audience consisting of researchers, PhD students and representatives from industry of all fields of photonics and optics.
The general aim of the conference is to update the audience about new interesting developments and achievements in relevant research areas. A specific purpose is to stimulate collaboration and interaction with industry and academia and to broaden the knowledge of people who are not experts in the specific field.
To fulfill the purpose of the conference the presentations should to a considerable part consist of more general overview material, easily accessible for everyone in the audience.
The time frame for the presentation is 20 min with 15 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes for discussion in the industry sessions and 15 min with 12 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes for discussion. Conference language is English.
Please send your abstracts for poster contributions in an electronic form in Microsoft Word format or Adobe PDF format
Please provide your name, affiliation, telephone number and Email address on all submissions as well.
You can submit your abstracts by sending them to this email address:
The abstracts will be published in official conference proceedings. Additionally, we award the best poster presentation with 5000 SEK
sponsored by
Deadline for poster abstracts: 12th August 2018
Authors are requested to submit an abstract of a half to one page (font 11, including figures and references)
Contributions will be accepted for poster presentation.
Required poster size: The posters should have a maximum size of DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm) preferably in a portrait format (not landscape format). Pins and similar pads will be provided by the organizer.
All authors are requested to register for the meeting separately from abstract submission.
For questions and further information please contact Petra Bindig at
Here you can download the abstract template: Abstract-template-NOP2018Abstract-template-NOP2018
The conference is organised by the Swedish Optical Society and PhotonicSweden in conjunction with the Lund University and Lund Laser Centre and sponsored by optics/photonics societies of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Baltic countries.
REGISTRATION for Participants and Exhibitors
Exhibitor, member PS/EOS/Nordic/Baltic Optical Societies Exhibitor, non-member PS/EOS/Nordic/Baltic Optical Societies |
15.400kr + VAT = 19.250kr 17.700kr + VAT = 22.125kr |
Click here to register: ExhibitorsNOP2018 | |
Member PS/EOS/Nordic/Baltic Optical Societies | 3.000kr + VAT = 3.750kr |
Non-member PS/EOS/Nordic/Baltic Optical Societies | 3.700kr + VAT = 4.625kr |
Exhibitor colleague | 3.000kr + VAT = 3.750kr |
Participant Click here to register: Participants2018 |
Student, pensioner PS/EOS/Nordic/Baltic Optical Societies | 1.600kr + VAT = 2.000kr |
Speaker Click here to register: SpeakersNOP2018 |
1.600kr + VAT = 2.000kr |
The registration will be open in May 2018 and closes 3rd of September 2018
programme available:
Download the conference abstracts proceedings:
Click here to register: ExhibitorsNOP2018
Presentation of advertising material on one table
present your company with a table top and benefit from the opportunity of face-to-face contacts with our attendees!
A table top includes further benefits:
· your logo on the PhotonicSweden conference website
· your logo on the final programme
(electronic and print version)
· one full-time registration
Download Exhibition Addresses and Pitch-Talk information here: Address for Exhibitors at NOP-2018-v2
For more information please contact Lennart BM Svensson
Preliminary schedule for matchmaking.
Matchmaking for companies and jobseekers Northern Optics & Photonics_2018
We will arrange matchmaking between companies and job-seekers at the conference Northern Optics and Photonics in Sweden 2018 in Lund. It will take place on 13th and 14th September 2018 and interested companies can get 20 minutes slots to meet interested candidates. We have a private room were the discussions can take place.
If you are interested let us know beforehand, by sending a note to Petra Bindig (
- Companies shall send a job description.
- Job-seekers shall send a mail which says that they would like to book a time slot!
The service is free for all participating companies and attendees.
More information about the conference can be found at
Here you can see the job offers / company profiles:
Eclipse optics is an optical design house in Stockholm
Teknisk säljchef till NEOLund _ Academic Work
Sponsoring opportunities:
Sponsoring of student awards
PhotonicSweden and the Swedish Optical Society invite you to partly sponsor the best master and / or bachelor thesis in the field of Optics and Photonics 2017/2018
The first prize is valid 6.000 kr
plus conference fee for one person and travel costs
The second prize is valid 2.000 kr
plus conference fee for one person and travel costs
Student Award sponsoring includes further benefits:
· your logo prominently displayed on the diploma
· your logo on the PhotonicSweden website
· Display of your give-aways at the registration desk
Student Award sponsoring from SEK 3.000 :- up to SEK 20.000 :- +25% VAT if applicable
Poster Session sponsoring
Poster session sponsoring includes further benefits:
· your logo prominently displayed in the poster area
· your company announced as an official poster session sponsor
· your logo on the PhotonicSweden website
· Display of your give-aways at the registration desk
Poster session sponsoring from SEK 5.000 :- +25% VAT if applicable
General sponsoring (whole conference)
General sponsoring includes further benefits:
· your logo prominently displayed in the dinner area
· your company announced as an official dinner sponsor
· your logo on the PhotonicSweden website
· Display of your give-aways at the registration desk
General sponsoring (whole conference) from
SEK 10.000 :-
SEK 15.000 :-
SEK 20.000 :-
+25% VAT if applicable
Coffee and lunch break sponsoring
This sponsorship offer gives you unique visibility during the breaks. On three coffee breaks your company will become the focus of attention among our attendees.
Coffee and lunch break sponsoring includes further benefits:
· your logo prominently displayed in the coffee break / lunch area
· your logo on the PhotonicSweden website
· your company announced as an official lunch or coffee break sponsor
· Display of your give-aways at the registration desk
Coffee and lunch break sponsoring from SEK 3.000 :- +25% VAT if applicable
Media sponsoring
Do you want to support our conference through your media channels (websites, mail shots,newsletters)?
Media sponsoring includes the following benefits:
· your logo on the PhotonicSweden website
· your logo on the programme (printed and electronic version)
Hotels & Travels
How to get to Lund University:
Lund University
Sölvegatan 20 A-D
223 62 Lund
maps and other information about Lund: Lund_flyer
Let’s meet in Lund:
Elite Hotel Ideon Lund
NOP2018 have negotiated a special hotel rate between 2018-09-11 and 2018-09-14 at Elite Hotel Ideon. We have reserved:
=> 40 rooms reserved 2018-09-11
=> 100 rooms reserved between 2018-09-12 and 2018-09-14
Special room price: 1150 SEK/night including breakfast and VAT.
Reservation code: NOP2018
Elite Hotel Ideon
Scheelevägen 27
SE-223 63 Lund
Phone: +46-(0)46-287 1101
E-mail: Don’t forget to write the Elite Hotel Ideon in your e-mail! and NOP2018!
Web: Elite_Hotel_IDEON_Lund
Car parking is 40 SEK/day
The Elite Hotel Ideon is 900 m from the conference site at Sölvegatan 20A, and it takes approx 11 min to walk.
Click for Ideon_Map: Hotel-Ideon-Map
Programme Committee for the academic sessions:
Name | First name | Affiliation | Country |
Bood | Joakim | Lund | Sweden |
Brackmann | Christian | Lund universitet | Sweden/Lund |
Canalias | Carlota | KTH | Sweden |
Gaute Hellesø | Olav | University of Tromsø, Norway | Norway |
Haglund | Åsa | Chalmers | Sweden/Gothenburg |
Jensen | Ole Bjarlin | Technical University of Denmark, DTU Fotonik | Denmark |
Järrendahl | Kenneth | Linköping university | Sweden/Linköping |
Korppi-Tommola | Jouko | University of Jyväskylä | Finland |
Laurell | Fredrik | KTH | Sweden |
Lindgren | Mikael | NTNU | Norway |
Piotrowski | Adam | Vigo | Poland |
Spigulis | Janis | University of Latvia Raina | Latvia |
Srinivasan | Anan | KTH | Sweden |
Toivonen | Juha | Tampere University of Technology | Finland |
Programme Committee for the industry sessions:
Name | First name | Affiliation | Country |
Fonjallaz | Pierre-Yves | PhotonicSweden | Sweden |
Gavars | Eduards | Lightguide Optics Inc | Latvia |
Jensen | Asger | NKT Photonics A/S | Denmark |
Karlsson | Daniel | Mentanglement | Sweden |
Lund | Michael | JAI | Denmark |
Maehlum | Gunnar | Integrated Detector Electronics AS | Norway |
Orlowska | Ewa | Hamamatsu | Sweden |
Paasch | Kasper | University of Southern Denmark | Denmark |
Saarinen | Jyrki | PhotonicsFinland | Finland |
Schroeder | Jes | Millpond ApS | Denmark |
Schumann-Olsen | Henrik | Zivid Labs AS | Norway |
Svensson | Lennart | PhotonicSweden | Sweden |