Job offer Chef för Program Management till Coherent
Sök jobbet Sista ansökningsdag 2023-02-16 Coherent (fd II-VI) söker en Manager för Program Management med gedigen erfarenhet av ledarskap och projektl [...]
Sök jobbet Sista ansökningsdag 2023-02-16 Coherent (fd II-VI) söker en Manager för Program Management med gedigen erfarenhet av ledarskap och projektl [...]
Apply Last application day 2023-02-25 Do you have skills in the field of semiconductors and want to work with process integration for products within [...]
Sök jobbet Sista ansökningsdag 2023-02-25 Vill du utveckla din kompetens inom halvledarteknik och arbeta med processintegration för produkter inom opt [...]
Sök jobbet Sista ansökningsdag 2023-02-26 Coherent (fd II-VI) söker produktingenjörer till deras högteknologiska materialtillverkning i Järfälla, Stoc [...]
Coherent (former II-VI) is hiring Product Engineers for their high-tech material manufacturing in Järfälla, Stockholm. The world-leading company Coher [...]
Use the opportunity to participate in the "NOP2023" conference in Riga! Submit your abstract here by January 31, going throug [...]
Photonics21 established this dedicated Innovation Challenge to push for more entrepreneurship in photonics. The Photonics21 Innovation Award addresses [...]
Congratulations to this years winners of the PhotonicSweden student awards 1st prize goes to Daniel Dias Rivas, Lund University for his Master Thesis [...]
Lars Rymell, CEO Eclipse Optics AB, Peter Strömberg, CTO Acoem AB, Board member PhotonicSweden Eclipse Optics AB is the leading provider of optics and [...]
ECONOS 2022 September 25th – 28th 2022 Kiruna, Sweden Welcome to the 20th European Conference on Non-linear Optical Spectroscopy, the annual meeting d [...]