Agendas related to the 16 Strategic Innovation Programmes in Sweden (Financed by Vinnova, Swedish Energy Agency and FORMAS)
- Nationell samling kring metalliska material (SFIA, only in Swedish).
- Strategic research and innovation agenda for the swedish mining and metal producing industry (strim 2016).
- Strategic research and innovation agenda for lightweight (2013-2033).
- Produktion 2030: Made in sweden 2030 Strategic Agenda for Innovation in Production.
- PiiA: Nationell kraftsamling för Processindustriell Automation – en agenda för ledning, innovation och kompetensutveckling (in Swedish)
- NRIA Flyg 2016 – The Swedish Aeronautical Research and Innovation Agenda.
- Smarter Electronics Components and Systems (Agenda 2013).
- MedTech4 Health – En forsknings och innovationsagenda – Teknikens roll i dagens och framtidens hälsa, vård och omsorg (only in Swedish).
- RE: Source Agenda: Avfall, en utmaning för hållbar resurs- och materialanvändning (in Swedish).
- Smart built Environment – Processes and information management in construction and facility management(Agenda).
- Nationell Agenda Internet of Things – Summering av projektet IoT Sverige (in Swedish).
- Swelife: Strategisk innovationsagenda för life science per den 20 november 2013. (in Swedish).
- Drive Sweden: Automated Transport Systems – a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
- Agenda Graphene – A new Swedish area of strength.
- Bio Innovation: A Bio-based Economy A strategic research and innovation agenda for new businesses focusing on renewable resources.
- Infra Sweden 2030: A Swedish Strategic Research and Innovation Environment Vision 2013 – 2030 – ‘Green Infrastructure Material Innovations (GIMI).
For reports about the European Union’s Photonics: See downloads of Photonics21:!
Other reports from Europe:
- Market Data and Industry Report 2020 (Photonics21)
- Photonics-SRIA-final-version
- Study_GreenPhotonics_2020_final
- Photonics-in-Horizon-2020-finaldigital
- Photonics21 Vision Paper Final
- Photonics Industry Report; 2015; Germany, Branchen Report.
- Study about the French Photonics, 2014 (in French).
- Multiannual Strategic Roadmap 2014-2020 (Photonics21)
- Swiss Photonics Market Report 2016.
- Photonics Enabled Strategy for Wales (June 2012).
- report_oida_quantum_roadmap The Quantum 2.0 Opportunity: How is quantum technology relevant to the optics and
photonics community? - Optics and Photonics – Essential Technologies for Our Nation, 2012: Get the book from here:
- Harnessing Light, from 1998.
- Photonics: Maintaining Competitiveness, from 1988!
- Updated OSA Industry Brochure: LIGHTING The Path to a brighter future, 2016.
Strategy papers from Sweden and abroad:
- Broschure-Photonics-PPP-Services-to-European-SMEs_Final_C1
- Building our industrial strategy – Green Paper – January 2017 (UK).
- Guide to RIS3 – Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategy.
- Regeringens proposition 2016/17:50 – Kunskap i samverkan – för samhällets utmaningar och stärkt konkurrenskraft Prop.2016/17:50 (in Swedish)
- Smart Industri – en nyindustrialiseringsstrategi för Sverige, Januari 2016 (in Swedish).
- Industriell Digitalisering, PiiAs positionspapper, februari 2016. (in Swedish)
- Den strategiska forskningens frontlinjer – en omvärldsanalys av internationella finansiärers inriktning och stödinstrument – Tillväxtanalys, 2015:09. (in Swedish)
- Stockholms Innovation strategy – 2014.