To say it in a nutshell: electronic and photonic components and systems can be found everywhere today, from a pedometer to a hydroelectric power station, and it grows in importance from an economic perspective.
Swedish electronics and photonics components and systems are important as export products and as well as enablers for industrial growth and a sustainable development of society. Energy sufficiency, wireless communication, advanced measurement instruments and energy saving production are just a few examples. Sweden has a viable Swedish electronic industry and a high international academic standard in this field. But at the same time it is exposed to many challenges.
On the 19th of May 2014, Vinnova, The Swedish Energy Agency and Formas decided therefore that “ICT Electronics components and systems” shall be a strategic innovation programme for Sweden (link only in Swedish!). In short, the sector gets a systematic Research and Innovation funding with up to 150 million crowns during three years. The support is expected to continue after 2017 but the decision will be taken later.
Our Strategic Innovation Programme (SIP) involves technical areas like micro/nanoelectronics, photonics, micromechanics, power electronics and embedded systems. It has evolved from a cooperation between RISE Acreo, the Swedish Electronics Trade Association, Chalmers, KTH, LTU, PhotonicSweden and Swerea IVF.
” This funding will strengthen the competence, knowledge transfer and interactions in the value chains and further sharpen these cutting-edge technology areas. The aim is to increase competitiveness in this sector […]” says Maria Månsson, Prevas, chair of for the Swedish Electronics Trade Association.
A big number of companies and research institutes have contributed to the SIO application with their valuation via queries and open workshops. The application was accompanied by 107 support letters from SMEs and multinational companies as well as from universities and institutes (45% of these organisations are linked to photonics).
The Strategic Innovation Programme (SIP) is part of the research and innovation policy of the Swedish government. Industry, academic research and the public sector are cooperating to strengthen the Swedish competitiveness and contribute to sustainable solutions for the global societal challenges. Up to now, there are 16 SIOs in Sweden. The responsible authorities are VINNOVA, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas.
More information:
Pierre-Yves Fonjallaz, PhotonicSweden
Petra Bindig, PhotonicSweden
website for the SIO and the Electronic Agenda:
Press Release of VINNOVA:–publicerat/Pressmeddelanden/2014/140519-Fem-nya-strategiska-innovationsprogram-/