Information and benefits about membership in PhotonicSweden
PhotonicSweden’s vision is:
- that by optics and photonics strongly contribute to a vibrant, expanding and profitable Swedish industry based on research and innovation.
PhotonicSweden’s mission should:
- be a catalyst for fruitful collaborations in optics and photonics between companies, universities, colleges and institutes in Sweden and across borders.
What we do:
We increase our members’ business opportunities
- Thanks to all events and meetings we organise which stimulate scientific and technical discussions.
- Because we increase our members visibility and connect them with potential customers (see next point).
- We organise common booths in large exhibitions. The participation becomes possible because affordable and a lot of time is saved thanks to our support.
- We help our members to think out of the box and we open their field of view.
- We can help our members to take contacts with European partners because we have close contacts to other European stakeholders.
We increase the visibility of our members and the connections to and between them.
- We organise events: Optopubs, conferences (OPS), workshops, meetings.
- Our EU projects are powerful to connect to EU players and to present the Swedish actors.
- We highlight our members, individually and what they represent together, in Sweden and abroad through meetings, our website, newsletters, emails and social media.
- We make connections also through direct contacts when we see clear opportunities.
We help getting funding
- We have an excellent overview of all opportunities to get EU funding from both Horizon2020 and from other programmes (ECSEL and Eureka).
- We help evaluate project ideas in particular to assess how well they match specific calls.
- We help building up consortia thanks to our large networks in Sweden and in Europe.
- We have expert knowledge of the evaluation and review processes for EU projects.
- We alert our members when we see calls particularly well suited for them.
- We have good relations with professional help for the writing and management of applications.
- We are part of Smartare Elektroniksystem which is preparing calls every year for over 40 MSEK to fulfill a strategy developed jointly with PhotonicSweden.
- Most of the help we provide is related to RDI project financing. However, we are more and more in contact with investors and VCs.
We advocate Photonics for decision makers and the Public
- We have published the Strategic Research Agenda for Photonics in Sweden at the end of 2013. This publication, prepared with the input of our work groups and about 100 people, has been widely distributed in Sweden and in Europe.
- We have been advocating Photonics in the framework of Smartare Elektroniksystem and made sure that Photonics would have a good position in the programme.
- We have had regular contacts and meetings with Vinnova.
- We have organised a meeting with Näringsdepartmentet on April 15, 2016, together with Swednanotech, to emphasise the importance of Key Enabling Technologies in the new industrialisation strategy of the government. 5 representatives from ND participated as well as a one from Vinnova and one from Tillväxtverket.
- In the framework of the International Year of Light in 2015 and of our EU project Photonics4All, we have organised several presentations for the public.
- Thanks to our EU project EPRISE we have reinforced our collaboration with the Stockholm region and we have jointly organised an event to highlight the photonics of Stockholm on April 11, 2018.
We promote innovation
- When we connect partners for new collaborative projects.
- We have started to use tools from our EU project RespiceSME which allow us to analyse the innovation capacity of companies and guide them to find solutions to improve their innovation power.
- …
Being a Corporate member of PhotonicSweden:
You are connected to a large network of partners in Sweden, in Europe and beyond:
- Companies complementing your technical and organizational resources or supporting your business development.
- Research and Technology Organizations, academies, large facilities and testbeds.
- Strategic Innovation Programmes especially ECS, PiiA, IoT and Produktion 2030.
- Public authorities (Vinnova, Energimyndigheten, Stockholms Länsstyrelsen).
- Through our website, the links you find there and our partners’ website.
- You explain what you are looking for and we can tell you whom to contact or we do it for you.
You increase the visibility of your organization.
- Lowest level: being a member your company name, logo and website appears on our website. The name of your company will inevitably appear in many other occasions, e.g. when we make presentations of PhotonicSweden.
- Your company can be displayed and described in our newsletters.
- If you so wish, more information can be put on our website.
- You can make a presentation of your company in one Optopub or during our yearly conference. Even better you can exhibit at OPS or you can organize an Optopub in the premises of your company.
- You can participate in different events and activities of our EU projects.
You reinforce the collective economic and technological impact of the Swedish Photonics.
- Being a member, you help our organisation to realise many advocacy activities and our activities to increase the business opportunities of all members
You get services more concretely satisfying your needs.
- You can tell us your specific needs at any time!
- We can organise visits of you company to understand even better what you do and to understand the specific needs your company has.
- Based on a good knowledge of our members’ needs we can then develop adapted services and/or adjust the use of our budget for our PhotonicSweden activities (not bound to projects).
You can get more efficient access to public financing.
You will likely improve your ability to innovate and increase your business opportunities.
Membership in PhotonicSweden will also provide:
- the personal membership is also an automatic membership in the Swedish Optical Society (SOS) and the European Optical Society (EOS)
- invitation to Optopubs about 8x / year, with speeches and mingling
- participant discount and exhibitor discount of Optics & Photonics conference 1 times per year (approx. 100-200 participants) and reduction per EOS-arranged conferences
- newsletter 3-4 times / year + web-newsletters regularly
- support for participation in Vinnova announced programs: SRA Strategic Research Agenda and the SIO Strategic Innovation Areas
- information about the ongoing EU activities related to photonics
- information about Swedish optics term group work
- the opportunity to participate in 7 different working groups that developed a national strategic photonics agenda in line with EU Photonics21’s wishes.
Work groups:
Svenska arbetsgruppsnamn:
- AG1: Informations- och kommunikationsteknologier (IKT)
- AG2: Industriell tillverkning och kvalitetskontroll
- AG3: Hälsa och “Life Sciences”.
- AG4: Belysning, displayer och solceller
- AG5: Säkerhet, metrologi och sensorer
- AG6: Optiska komponenter och system
- AG7: Forskning, träning och utbildning
English workgroup names:
- WG1: Information and Communication (ICT)
- WG2: Industrial manufacturing and Quality
- WG3: Life Sciences and Health
- WG4: Emerging Lighting, Electronics and Displays
- WG5: Security, Metrology and Sensors
- WG6: Design and Manufacturing of Components and Systems
- WG7: Photonics Research, Education and Training