The venue on Wednesday Day 1 of OPD2021 is at University of Turku (UTU), Medisiina D, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, 20520 Turku.
Please register here:
OPD2021 info:
Optics & Photonics Days is an annual central event in the area of Optics and Photonics in Finland. Optics and Photonics days (OPD 2021) will be held in Turku from 1. – 3.12.2021. Day 1 PhotonicSweden and Photonics Finland will arrange the Nordic Photonics Forum Meeting.
A joint Nordic Photonics Forum Meeting focused on PhotonHub, workgroups WG1-WG9 and digitalisation. Preliminay Agenda including discussions:
  • Presentation of participants (short pitch talks)
  • Presentation of Photonics Finland’s Activities
  • Presentation of PhotonicSweden’s Activities
  • Presentation of new 2021-started EU-project PhotonHub
  • PhotonHub for SME’s, collaboration, Crossboarder collaboration, B2B, etc
  • How can we strengthen photonics in our Nordic and Baltic countries?
Download ”Europe’s Age of Light” – Strategic Roadmap 2021-2027:
Juha Purmonen & Lennart BM Svensson &