Guide to Swedish Innovation Platform-SIO Grafen

Elisabeth Sagström, Program director of SIO Grafen
I will guide you to see how SIO Grafen increase the technical maturity of graphene and establish graphene as a new material to solve future challenges. SIO Grafen is to take graphene innovations from the lab to industry.

Graphene for Electronics and Photonics – Work from the Graphene Flagship

Lilei Ye, Business Developer for Electronics in the Graphene Flagship

I will introduce what we are doing from Chalmers Industriteknik and what service we can provide to push   advanced technologies into the market. I will also briefly introduce on graphene, including its unique properties and process methods; what we have done in the Graphene Flagship, especially the work on graphene in electronics and photonics. The roadmap and challenges of graphene will be mentioned.

After the presentations we invite you to join us in a virtual Zoom-Optopub-mingle!
Please prepare a cold beer or drink and meet the speakers and the Optopub participants.

Download invitation here: 2021-06-17-CIT-Optopub-Invitation


Please, register here: 

A Zoom-invitation will be e-mailed before the Optopub.
Register no later than Wednesday 16th June, before 20:00


Lilei Ye (CIT) & Elisabeth Sagström (CIT)  &  Lennart BM Svensson (PS & SOS)