We kindly invite you to the Lund Attoscience Symposium, a monthly two-hour virtual meeting on selected topics in the field of attosecond science with a focus on latest research and communication.

We are a group of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working at Lund University in the field of attoscience. To overcome the lack of discussion between research groups we felt during 2020-2021, we decided to launch our own virtual symposium series. The “Lund Attoscience Symposium” is a monthly two-hour session (on Wednesdays from 16:00 to 18:00, CEST) that focuses on a specific research topic in attosecond science and consists of a keynote talk followed by three progress reports from early-career researchers, namely PhD students or postdocs. In between the talks, we will host virtual coffee breaks giving the opportunity to discuss in small groups. With this symposium, we would like to provide a platform, which allows us to share the latest advances and problems as we would discuss them in an informal atmosphere during a regular conference.

Preliminary program:

On April 21st, Photoionization time delays, with the participation of Prof. R. Dörner.

On May 19th, Ultrafast laser technology for attoscience, with the participation of Prof. P. Russell.

On June 16th, New perspectives on HHG spectroscopy, with the participation of Prof. N. Dudovich.

For more information, please visit our webpage: https://atomic.physics.lu.se/las2021

Subscription to the mailing list for updates and links to the virtual symposium can be found here: https://indico.lucas.lu.se/event/1984

If you feel that some other colleagues could be interested, please don’t hesitate to share this email. And in case questions arise, contact us at lundattosciencesymposium@fysik.lth.se.

The LAS Committee:

Mattias Bertolino, David Busto, Hugo Laurell, Jasper Peschel, Anne-Lise Viotti, Jan Vogelsang, Felipe Zapata