Welcome to Optopub in Stockholm!
Thursday 9th December-2021, 17.30 – 21.30 (CET)
PhotonicSweden, entrance at RISE, , Electrum at Kista, Kistagången 16 / Isafjordsgatan 22
Room Knuth, Elevator B to Level 6
Please register here: https://doodle.com/poll/q5axmgtxyutppw2d?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
Download flyer here: Optopub_2021-12-09-Optopub Electrum-RISE-v4
PhotonicSweden, entrance at RISE, Electrum at Kista, Kistagången 16 / Isafjordsgatan 22,
Room Knuth, Elevator B to Level 6
Room Knuth, Elevator B to Level 6
Presentations and Prize award for best Master thesis 2020 and 2021 !
”Weather Influence on LiDAR Signals using the Transient Radiative Transfer and LiDAR Equations” by Marcus Hedlund. Marcus Hedlund graduated from Technical Physics and Electrical Engineering 2020 with a specialization in physical measurement methods and sensor systems. He completed his degree project at Veoneer in Skellefteå with a project in which he studied pulse propagation through turbid media with a special focus on how the signal strength is affected by different weather conditions. Marcus’ work was both theoretical and experimental.
”Natural fingerprinting of steel” by Johannes Strömbom. Johannes Strömbom graduated from Technical Physics and Electrical Engineering 2021 with a specialization in physical measurement methods and sensor systems. He completed his degree project at LTU within the SmartSteel2 project, with project participants from SSAB, Sandvik, Swerim and LTU. Johannes’ work was both theoretical and experimental, with the main focus on the development, implementation and testing of algorithms.
”Photonics products across many different industries” by Hamamatsu Photonics Norden AB
followed by Optopub 19:00-21:30.
Hamamatsu Photonics Norden invites everyone who pre-registered for food and drinks.
Please note that you as a participant on site must be vaccinated or symptom-free to attend this Optopub.
If you have registered, but can’t attend, please cancel your registration in this Doodle.
You may also attend the Optopub online via Zoom from this live event.
The Master thesis awards and the Optopub are sponsored by Hamamatsu Photonics Norden AB.
PhotonicSweden & Hamamatsu Photonics Norden AB