2021 March 25: Welcome to an Optopub Webinar with Big Science Sweden
Thursday, 25th March 2021, 16:00-17:00 (CET) Download invitation: 2021-03-25-Optopub-Zoom-Big Science Sweden Please, register here: [...]
18 mars-2021 – Kallelse till extra föreningsstämma för Ekonomiska föreningen PhotonicSweden
Torsdagen den 18 mars 2021 kl. 16.00 – 17.00 Online med Zoom Ladda ner kallelsen här: Kallelse-PS-Extra föreningsstämma_2021-03-18-v1 Med anledning av [...]
2021 March 4: Welcome to an Optopub Webinar in Lund with LTH and Sigma Connectivity AB
Thursday, 4th March 2021, 16:00-17:00 (CET) Download invitation: 2021-03-04-Optopub-Zoom-Lund Catalysis, the full spectrum of research Sara Blo [...]
Exciting project granted: NanoVIB is coordinated by KTH
A new H2020 project, coordinated by KTH, has recently been granted by the European Commission, within the call “Disruptive photonics technologies” (IC [...]
Photon Sports brings in SEK 8.5 Million, and gearing up for the Scandinavian launch
Photon Sports, with former Adopticum colleague Jonas Sjöberg as founder and CEO, raises SEK 8.5 million and invests in a Scandinavian launch. photonsp [...]
Wavejobs – more than just a job board
WaveJobs is a place that aims at connecting people, who want to develop their careers, with entrepreneurs/universities/institutes that are in need of [...]
The Swedish Photonics Platform
PhotonicSweden network
PhotonicSweden is the voice of the Swedish Photonics. Our network consists of companies, academic groups, research institutes, individuals, experts and national and regional authorities. There are about 150 photonic companies with over 6000 employees in Sweden. The level of fragmentation is even larger in Sweden than the European average and most players are very small (95% of the companies have less than 250 employees). The PhotonicSweden networks extends well beyond the national borders and is especially strong in Europe.
Inspiring events
PhotonicSweden organises a range of events every year in Sweden and in Europe. In Sweden we organise a conference in different cities in October or November. The conference is also the occasion to exhibit, recruit new employees, network and of course learn the latest about photonics. We also organise convivial seminars called Optopubs in three cities, since 2020 these are held as virtual webinars. We are also part of and a link to many events in Europe. Pls see our list of photonics events.
Projects in Sweden and Europe
PhotonicSweden is involved in several European and national projects. Our national projects are all related to the strategic innovation programme ”Electronics Components and Systems”.
Our interests
Fund your innovations!
PhotonicSweden can help you fund your innovations. We have a direct contacts with the Photonics Unit of the European Commission, we are participating to the discussions of Photonics21’s work groups which are the basis for future EU calls. We are involved in the strategic inovation programme Electronics Components and Systems and we have close contact with Vinnova and the Swedish Energy Agency. We have a long experience in getting the projects we want. You can benefit from it!
Connect partners!
Connecting partners is our passion. We can connect Swedish companies or academic groups to end-users with dedicated workshops, to partners in Europe and beyond through our contacts with many organisations similar to our throughout Europe. We can connect you with colleagues and experts in Sweden and abroad.
Boost innovation!
Swedish Photonics companies are very innovative. Many of them are exporting a majority of their products because in most cases they are very advanced and specialised and the Swedish market is simply too small. The competition at this global level requires to constantly improve the products performance through innovation. Through our projects, our contacts and some dedicated tools we can help your company boost the internal innovation processes and find adequate support to be even more successful.