Release of new website for PhotonicSweden and about WordPress

How many of You are familiar with WordPress?

WordPress is the largest CMS Content Management System in the world.

The new website for Photonic Sweden is created in WordPress.

My name is Eva Risinger and I am one of two in webagency Kreatiwebb.
Together with Joakim Kempff and team PhotonicSweden we have built the new website for PhotonicSweden.

WordPress history

WordPress started in 2003 originally as a blog-tool.

Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

WordPress is Open Source and can be downloaded for free.

WordPress uses MySql as database.

You can use WordPress for free together with a lot of plugins and designthemes.


In March 2016:

WordPress Powers 26% of the Web.

WordPress is the most used CMS, with 60% market share.

There are 44,225 Free WordPress Plugins and around 2000 free designthemes.

There is also a lot of plugins and designthemes to buy.

Why we use WordPress

We started building websites year 2000.

We developed our own Webtool/CMS because our customers asked for more and more functions.

6 years ago customers did not ask us to do their “website” anymore, the asked “Can You do WordPress”

We had to start working with WordPress.

Why we like WordPress

1. Open Source
2. Enough user friendly
3. Enough easy for us as webdevelopers as we can both use free plugins, or do our own programming.

Advantages choosing WordPress

Open source, no costs for licens

Easy to learn working in Webinterface


The code follows webstandard

Lots of plugins and functions

Possibilities to create login-pages

Built-in Searchfunction

Good connection with social media

Easy for customer to change webagency

What´s going on in future

1. Responsive design is now standard

2. More videos, often with text so You understand without speakers

3. Google has made a higher rank for websites with responsive design since a year back. Websites with video will soon, or already, be valued higher by Google Search.

New website for Your Company?

Always Welcome for a free meeting.

Our checklist if You have been thinking of a new website.

Kreatiwebb + Planet11 + WordPress