SAVE the date! 360CARLA Career Symposium for students at KTH Campus – 9&10 April 2025
PhotonicSweden, in cooperation with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), organises a symposium for students for Bachelor, Master, PhD and Post Do [...]
PhotonicSweden, in cooperation with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), organises a symposium for students for Bachelor, Master, PhD and Post Do [...]
175 miljoner kronor ska bidra till att Sverige får en väl fungerande kedja av företag, forskningsinstitut och resurser som kan tillverka de material [...]
An event on photonic career opportunities, the CARLA camp Stockholm, hosted by PhotonicSweden and KTH, took place on May 11 & 12 2022. 137 regist [...]
A new H2020 project, coordinated by KTH, has recently been granted by the European Commission, within the call “Disruptive photonics technologies” (IC [...]
Photonics has proven to be an essential ingredient in our modern world tackling global challenges of our industry and society. Therefore, from Photoni [...]
EU satsar 19 miljoner euro i en europeisk hubb inom fotonik, döpt till PhotonHub Europe. Branschförening PhotonicSweden skapar tillsammans med forskn [...]
Three of the world's most eminent scientists have criticised the European Commission's intention to drastically cut photonics funding over the next se [...]
The open call by the EU funded project INNO4COV-19 which aims to support the commercialisation of new products across Europe for combatting COVID-19 i [...]
Välkommen på virtuellt studiebesök hos lasertillverkare Cobolt AB i Stockholm! För att uppmärksamma Fo [...]
Photonics Digital Innovation Hub secures €19 million to boost SME growth and ensure Europe’s global competitiveness [...]