Register now! 360CARLA Career Symposium for students at KTH Campus – 9&10 April 2025
Download preliminary program here: 2025-03-14 PS-Carla360-Career Symposium v12 Download A3-flyer here: 2025-03-14 PS-Carla360-Career Symposium v12-A3 [...]
Download preliminary program here: 2025-03-14 PS-Carla360-Career Symposium v12 Download A3-flyer here: 2025-03-14 PS-Carla360-Career Symposium v12-A3 [...]
Shape the Future of Photonics Innovation in Europe! Do you have an idea you’ve been developing or a prod [...]
As in other deep tech fields, there is a shortage of qualified professionals in photonics due to a lack of education and training programmes, a [...]
We are pleased to announce that the CARLA internship page has recently gone public! It is primarily intended to help students find internship opportun [...]
Join us for the next Nordic Academic Meetup on Photonics on Thursday, January 30, from 5:30 - 8 pm PST at the Nordic Innovation House, 470 Ramona Stre [...]
Utvecklingsingenjör fiberoptik med programmeringskunskaper AnnonsUtvecklingsingenjörProximion2024-10-18b Proximion är ett företag som tillverkar fiber [...]
Svensk-franska Anne L’Huillier är fysikern och Nobelpristagaren som mot alla odds lyckats revolutionera möjligheterna att se in i atomernas och moleky [...]
PhotonicSweden delar varje år ut ett pris till mest förtjänta examensarbete inom området optik och fotonik. Utfört arbete ska ha presenterats vid ett [...]
JOB DESCRIPTION Laser Engineer - Mycronic Job Openings Careers ( Mycronic is a Swedish high-tech company and has been a trusted partne [...]
The European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM, is a major international scientific conference and exhibition covering all aspects of optics and p [...]