As in other deep tech fields, there is a shortage of qualified professionals in photonics due to a lack of education and training programmes, a rapidly evolving technology field and a lack of knowledge about career opportunities offered by the photonics ecosystem.
360 CARLA builds on the previous CARLA project, which took on the challenge of advancing the careers of students and researchers in photonics through the CARLA Career Camps. The aim is to maintain and further promote the interest of CARLA participants and to expand the network to include more and more students and young researchers.
The content is implemented in the form of four focus areas, the so-called ‘verticals’ (Energy, Environment and Sustainability – Health: Biotech and Medical Photonics – Quantum Technologies and Communications – Manufacturing / Industry 4.0), whose activities range from career symposia, mentorship programmes, innovation and entrepreneurship workshops to general training and information events.
PhotonicSweden, in cooperation with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), will organise a symposium for students on Bachelor, Master, PhD and Post Doc level on April 9 & 10 2025 at KTH campus. Along the workshop and symposium there will be a job fair with numerous companies who are eager to discuss jobs in the photonics field!